If you have additional information on the following people, or can tell me where to find it, I'd love to hear from you.
Breakey, Norman - The Toronto resident invented the paint roller in 1940 but did not get rich from it. When imitators started showing up everywhere, he did not have the funds to defend his patent. His other inventions include a device for tapping beer kegs and a supermarket inventory system.
Carroll, Thomas - In 1938, Thomas Carroll invented the self-propelled combine harvester. The machine consolidated all stages of harvesting into one – binding, stooking, threshing, cleaning – and allowed a single person to do the work of several hundred.
Cluthe, George H. - The owner of Cluthe Manufacturing Co. in Waterloo, Ontario invented the interchangeable head screwdriver. He patented the design in 1965.
Davis, Gladys (Terrie) - The shortstop from Toronto was the first batting champion in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. She hit .332 for the Rockford Peaches in 1943. See also, Helen Callaghan, Olive Bend Little.
Dove, Allan B. - The metallurgist at Stelco in Hamilton, Ontario came up with a design for a nail with considerably more holding power than standard nails. Featuring a helical spiral from head to tip, the Ardox nail was patented by Stelco in 1954. Dove worked for the company from 1925-1974.
Erxleben, Heather - In January 1989, the former truck driver for a lumber company joined the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Light Infantry in Victoria, British Columbia, becoming the first Canadian female combat soldier. She was twenty-two years old. Women were admitted to Canadian military colleges for the first time in 1979.
Little, Olive Bend - The Manitoba native held an unequaled strikeout record in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, pitching four no-hitters. She joined the Rockford Peaches in 1943 and ended her career in 1945, returning home to raise a family. Little once broke the wrist of an opposing batter. See also, Helen Callaghan, Gladys Davis.
Poirier, Louise - In 1964, while working for a Canadian lingerie company named Canadelle, Poirier developed the Wonderbra. The bra uses 54 design elements to create its "plunge and push effect", resulting in a fuller bustline for the wearer. Its basic construction and design has remained unchanged.
Poole, Olivia - Olivia Poole grew up on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota and moved to British Columbia in the early 1950s. The mother of seven created the Jolly Jumper in 1954, a baby seat suspended from the ceiling by a harness which allowed the child to bounce and swing without parental help. Poole and her husband began manufacturing the jumper in North Vancouver and patented the creation in 1959.
Last updated 17 December 2008.